Make room for fresh thinking You already know that your brain is not great at long-term storage. You probably don’t even remember what you had for lunch 2 years ago (pathetic human). You’re even worse at short term memory. In fact, the way you keep an idea in your head is by repeating it to…
Yes, I am crazy. In this extra-long post, I’ll be explaining “the how” and “the why” (with some stories mixed in) behind my 60-day journey of voluntary poverty and alternative lifestyle experimentation. Basically, I’ll explain how and why I lived like a homeless person in the bed of my truck for 60 days even though…
In western civilization, we have a very peculiar way of treating our youth. We could, for instance, say to the child, “Welcome to humanity! Here are the rules, and when you get older you may be able to create better rules.” Instead, we cultivate an eternal system of preparation. The System of Preparation So you…
I used to be known as the guy who always has everything he needs. That hasn’t changed, I just “need” way, way less. I grew up in a home where the kitchen table overflowed with shoe boxes of old photos. The living room was packed with suitcases, hunting rifles, taxidermy deer, zebra, bear, fish, etc.…
Minimalism turns a lot of heads and inspires instant judgment. I’ve always been thoughtful with my purchases. But I’ve not been so conservative with the things that I choose to keep around. Life can easily turn into an endless pursuit of buying the next pair of shoes, gadget, video game… thing. It’s what we are…